The cultural observatory on the 22 countries on the Mediterranean Sea.
Editorial Board:
How to forget the spectacular Golden Parade of April 2021, when Covid-19 was still raging, which...
“Tripoli, bel suol d'amore” (Tripoli, beautiful soil of love), so went a popular Italian song from...
An artificial waterway in the heart of Egypt: the Suez Canal is one of the most...
Using a pencil as a "weapon", the famous Egyptian cartoonist Doaa el-Adl gives voice to those...
About twenty years ago, in Alexandria, the Bibliotheca Alexandrina was opened: a massive project, rooted in...
al-Hakim, sesto califfo della dinastia fatimide e Sitt al-Mulk, la principessa più potente dell'epoca: un ventennio...
There are many symbols linked to the month of Ramadan: among them the light of the...
Muhammad Shukri tells of a Morocco without filters in “Le pain nu”, a sincere and touching...
Una strabiliante scoperta è avvenuta nella Grande Piramide di Giza: potrebbe fornire la chiave per trovare...
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